
Showing posts with the label GATEShow all
Hpsc lecturer paper solution(4)
Hpsc lecturer paper solution(3)
Hpsc lecturer paper solution(2)
Hpsc lecturer paper solution (1)
Gate 2023 question and solution part(2)
Gate 2023 question and solution part(1)
Networking question and solution(3)
Networking subjective question for competitive exam(2)
Networking subjective question for competitive exam(1)
Data structure subjective question for competitive exam(4)
Data structure subjective question for competitive exam(3)
Operating system subjective question(paging and page fault) for competition exam(9)
Operating system subjective question(paging and TLB) for competition exam(8)
Operating system subjective question(paging) for competition exam(7)
Data structure subjective question for competitive exam(2)
Operating system subjective question for competition exam(6)
50 Subjective question operating system  for competitive exam