Myhill Nerode Theorem used for minimize DFA
Step1:- Create table for all pairs of state.
Step2:-Mark all pair while Pદ F and Q∉F.
Step3:- if there are any unmarked state pair δ(P,x),δ(Q,x) is marked then mark (P,Q) state.Repeat until no more marking can be made.
Step4:-Combine all the unmarked pairs and make single state in minimize DFA.
Minimize the DFA using Myhill -Nerode Theorem.
Step1:-Create a table all pair of state.
Step2:-mark pair (C,A) and (C,B) and (E,C) because in pair(C,A) C is final state and A ia not final state so mark it. Same as (C,B) and (E,C).
Get state pair (B,B) and (E,C) and (E,C) is mark so mark pair (B,A).
Next pair(E,A)
(B,B) and (E,E) is diagonal so (E,A) is unmarked.
Next pair (E,B)
Get pair (B,B) and (E,C) and pair (E,C) is marked so marked pair (E,B).