Q1 Suppose, a circular queue of capacity
(n–1) elements is implemented with
an array of n elements. Assume
that the insertion and deletion
operations are carried out using
REAR and FRONT as array index
variables respectively. Initially,
REAR = FRONT = 0. The conditions
to detect queue full and queue
empty are
[A] full:(REAR+1) mod n ==FRONT
empty:REAR ==FRONT
[B] full:(REAR+1) mod n==FRONT
empty:(FRONT+1) mod n==REAR
[C] full:REAR==FRONT
empty:(REAR+1) mod n==FRONT
[D] full:(FRONT+1) mod n==REAR
A circular queue is a queue whose last position is connected back to the first position.
ENQUEUE – It is the operation to insert elements into the queue.
DEQUEUE – It is the operation to delete elements from the queue.
After inserting an element in the last position, the next element again gets inserted into the first position.
Given, Rear = Front = 0
Here, the Rear is used to insert elements & the front is used to delete elements.
To check full condition in queue:
(Rear + 1) % n == Front
Example: Consider queue is full that means Rear = 6, front = 0, n = 7
(6+1) % 7 = 7 % 7 = 0
To check empty condition in queue:
Rear == Front
Example: Consider queue is empty that means Rear = 0, front = 0, n = 7
Rear = Front = 0
Q2 N items are stored in a sorted
doubly linked list. For a delete
operation, a pointer is provided to
the record to be deleted. For a
decrease-key operation, a pointer
is provided to the record on
which the operation is to be
performed. An algorithm performs
the following operations on
the list in this order: (N)delete,
O(logN)insert, O(logN)find and
O(N)decrease-key. What is the
time complexity of all these
operations put together?
[A] O(log2N)
[B] O(N)
[C] O(N2)
[D] O(N2logN)
In doubly linked list complexity of
Delete O(1)
Insert. O(n)
find. O(n)
Decrease. O(n)
Now number of each operation performed is given so finally total complexity
Decrease key
So overall time complexity is
Q3 What is the maximum number of
edges in a bipartite graph having
10 vertices?
[A] 24
[B] 21
[C] 25
[D] 16
Both the set will contain 5 vertices and every vertex of first set will have an edge to every other vertex of the second set.
Total edges=5*5=25
Q4 If the array A contains the items
10, 4, 7, 23, 67, 12 and 5 in that
order, what will be the resultant
array A after third pass of
insertion sort?
[A] 67, 12, 10, 5, 4, 7, 23
[B] 4, 7, 10, 23, 67, 12, 5
[C] 4, 5, 7, 67, 10, 12, 23
[D] 10, 7, 4, 67, 23, 12, 5
Phase1. 4,10,7 ,23 ,67 ,12 ,5
Phase2. 4,7,10,23,67,12,5
Phase3. 4,7,10,23,67,12,5
In insertion sort give list is
10, 4, 7, 23, 67, 12 and 5
10 is single element already sorted when 4 in inserted compare with 10 which is greater than 4 so sorted list is
Phase1. 4,10,7 ,23 ,67 ,12 ,5
When 7 is inserted compare with 10 and then 4 .7 is less than 7 but greater than 4
Phase2. 4,7,10,23,67,12,5
When 23 is inserted which is greater than all 4,7,10
Phase3. 4,7,10,23,67,12,5