Software testing in software engineering
Software testing is the process of executing software in a controlled manner in order to answer the question does the software behave as specified.
Software testing is often used in association with the terms verification and validation.
Verification is the checking or testing of items,including software for conformance and consistency with an associated specification.Software testing is just one kind of verification which also uses techniques such as reviews,analysis,inspections and walkthroughs.
Validation is the process of checking that what has been specified is what the user actually wanted.
Debugging is the process of analysing and locating bugs when software does not behave as expected.Software testing is a much more thorough means of identifying bugs.Debugging is therefore an activity that support testing,but cannot replace testing.
Software testing are static analysis and dynamic analysis.Static analysis investigates the source code of software looking for problems and gathering metrics without actually executing the code.
Dynamic analysis look at the behavior of software while it is executing to provide information such as execution traces,timing profiles and test coverage information.
Thus errors can be detected at each phase of development.Validation and verification should occur throughout the software lifecycle.
Verification is the process of evaluating each phase end product to ensure consistency with the end product of the previous phase.
Validation is the process of testing software or a specification to ensure that it matches user requirement.Software testing is that part of validation and verification associated with evaluating and analyzing program code.