Greedy Algorithm and Activity selection problem
Greedy algorithm is used to solved greedy algorithm.Greedy algorithm may provide a solution that is close to optimal.Optimal solution can be obtained by making greedy choice.Optimal solutions contain optimal sub solutions.Solutions to sub problems of an optimal solution are optimal.
Greedy algorithm to find solution of these problems
- Activity selection problem.
- Knapsack problem.
- Constructing huffman codes.
- Travelling sales person problem.
- Minimum spanning tree.
- Prefix codes.
Activity Selection problem
Greedy algorithm provides a well designed and simple method for selecting a maximum size set of mutually compatible activities. If there are N activities. The activities share a resource which can be used by only one activity at a time.Example Lecture Hall.
Each activity i has a starting time s and finish time f. Activities i and j are compatible if the interval do not overlap.The activity selection problem selects the maximum size set of mutually compatible activities.
The process of selecting the activity becomes faster if the input activities are in order by increasing finishing time.
Step 1: n<-length[s].
Step 2: A<-{1}
Step 3:J<-1
Step 4: for i <-2 to n
Step 5: do if Si>=fj
Step 6: then A<-A∪ {i}
Step 7: j<- i
Step 8: return
Given 10 activities with their start and finish time
Compute and schedule where the largest number of activities take place using greedy algorithm Activity selection method.
Arrange the activities in increasing order of finish time
Activity A1 A3 A2 A4 A6 A5 A7 A9 A8 A10
Start 1 3 2 4 8 7 9 11 9 12
Finish 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14
Now schedule A1
Next select A3 because that activity is non-interfering A3(Start time)=A1(Finish time).
Skip A2 because interfering activity
A2(start time)<A3(finish time).
Activity selected if next activity starting time >last activity finish time.
Next schedule activity A4
That activity is non-interfering A4(Start time)=A3(Finish time).
Next schedule activity A6
That activity is non-interfering A6(Start time)>A4(Finish time).
Skip A5 because interfering activity
A5(start time)<A6(finish time).
Next schedule activity A7
That activity is non-interfering A7(Start time)=A6(Finish time).
Next schedule activity A9
That activity is non-interfering A9(Start time)=A7(Finish time).
Skip A8 because interfering activity
A8(start time)<A9(finish time).
Next schedule activity A10
That activity is non-interfering A10(Start time)=A9(Finish time).
So final Activity schedule using greedy algorithm